Small Closet Organization Ideas

Looking for feminine closet decorating ideas? What if you could build an affordable dream closet with a few diy closet organization tips. Even if you have a difficult time organizing a small closet, I can show you how to decorate your closet to fit your style. Here are some tips for decorating a closet without hiring a professional decorator. Adding a few diy closet shelves made from an Ikea hack, shown in my Youtube video (Click Here) provided storage for my diy sunglasses organizer tray. Let me show you some small closet organization ideas that are functional and affordable. My wardrobe closet organization system needed some work. Everything was basically shoved into the closet making it difficult to find anything! By narrowing down my theme, my DIY wardrobe organization is totally Instagram pretty! If you don’t feel like reading,  just watch my closet makeover video. Click Here Just be sure to bookmark this page so that you can easily find links to shop products I’ve used while decorating a small closet. Speaking of linked products, please review this disclaimer:

FTC Statement: The products in this article were NOT sponsored, they were all purchased by me. I am a participant of affiliate websites and also in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and other affiliate sites. There is no added cost to you by clicking the links in this DIY closet organization post. Thanks for helping support my blog.

Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | Small closet organization ideas

Organizing A Small Closet

To fully learn how to decorate your closet, you will need to start with an empty closet. Start by taking everything out. This way organizing a small closet will be less intimidating. It’s a faster way for you to decorate your closet without clutter. This method helps you create awesome small closet organization ideas. I sold my old clothes on Poshmark to help me with my DIY closet organization. I highly recommend downsizing at least once a year. If you haven’t worn something within a year (with the exception of gowns and meaningful items) toss them into the pile to be sold. Ask yourself, would I prefer to have a new scarf if I toss out the old scarf? We all love having extra cash! Decluttering your clothes isn’t the only step needed in your DIY closet organization project. You will need to sort through your old shoes as well. Discard or sell them too! Now that we’re done organizing a small closet, Let’s explore some feminine closet ideas.

Before and After Closet Organization Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves Small closet organization ideas

Small Closet Organization Ideas

For my small closet organization ideas, I chose to add molding to my small closet. Click Here to see some Amazon molding ideas. This diy closet organization idea will make your small closet appear more luxurious. It’s not difficult but you may need an extra set of hands to help you hold up the molding while you are attaching it with a nailer. You can shop for molding online of pick up some from your local hardware store. My closet is 94 inches long so I had to purchase 2 pieces of molding. Let’s talk about move on to other small closet organization ideas.

Closet Decorating Ideas

After removing your clothes and shoes. Take a look at your closet and ask yourself if this closet needs paint or even a touch up. My closet totally needed some paint. Paint will add a finished look to your closet decorating ideas. Don’t forget to assess the outside of your closet’s doors. Don’t leave them out of your small closet decorating ideas.

Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves Small closet organization ideas

Closet Shoe Storage Ideas

Closet Shoe Rack

Here’s some amazing no fuss small closet organization ideas for storing my shoes in a closet. One of my closet decorating ideas included purchasing a white shoe storage rack Click Here to see. I find them to work extremely well for organizing a small closet. My tallest high heels sometimes need to have the straps pushed over the top but they fit and look okay for my closet decorating ideas. I also added caulk to the inside corners of the shoe rack, for a higher quality appearance. It was super easy to assemble and its super sturdy. Some reviews said this shoe storage cabinet shelf is wobbly, but I think they didn’t assemble it properly. I purchased a total of 3 and none of them are wobbly. I do have some diy closet organization ideas in mind for a more feminine luxurious closet shoe rack idea but it will have to wait until I’m in a home I own. For an affordable closet shoe storage idea this works perfectly for organizing a small closet. You can also display hats, gift boxes and high end shopping bags on your closet shoe rack to really enhance your feminine closet ideas.

Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves Small closet organization ideas

diy Closet Organization

For my small closet organization ideas, I added vintage pedestals and more decorative molding to my closet to give it a classy, french style and I love it! Click here to see more pedestals you can use for organizing a small closet. They are an awesome way to display your handbags an purses when organizing a small closet. Closet decorating ideas are endless, you can find some closet decorations on Craigslist or even on Facebook market. This is great if you are on a budget and can’t afford fancy closet decorations. Shop for your closet decoration ideas on websites like goodwill online. They also have some super cute decorative piece that will work for your small closet decorating ideas. I used vintage pedestals for my handbags.

Organize Closet By Color Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves Small closet organization ideas

Organize Closet By Color

Small closet organization ideas must include, hanging your clothes neatly and color coordinating your clothes for a more organized appearance. When organizing a small closet try to hang clothes in the same direction on the hangers. I used to have all my clothes hanging up by style, for example: dresses with dresses and pants with pants. I found it to be much easier when organizing my small closet to organize my closet by color instead. But if you find you have a lot of patterns in your clothes, hang them toward the back or in the sections not highly visible. I have another closet to the left of this closet that houses my jeans. My jeans are also organized by color.

Closet Decorations Pinterest

Feminine Closet Ideas

Are you on Pinterest? Feel free to use this photo below to pin it and share to your Feminine closet ideas Pinterest boards!

Closet Makeover Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | Feminine closet ideas Small closet organization ideas

Closet Hangers For Clothes

A super cool way to create a cohesive look for your closet decorating ideas is to color coordinate sections of your wardrobe. Try using hangers that are all the same, colors and style. When you get hangers that don’t match donate them. I purchased these wooden hangers a little bit at a time to make them fit my budget. Otherwise they can get to be expensive. Try to purchase them a little at a time with each pay check. Donate clothes you no longer want or need so that you can have more space and use less hangers. Click here to see the hangers I purchased. I chose wood hangers for my closet decorating ideas, because of their color and elegance. I know they take up more space inside the closet, but there is a reason I chose them. For my closet decorating ideas, the bigger hangers help me keep my esthetic and also keeps me from over buying a lot of clothes. It lets me know its time to declutter my closet and downsize if I run out of hangers. Instead of buying smaller hangers it would mean lots of clothes in excess, so keep this in mind for your closet decorating ideas. I’d much rather have clothes that I actually wear than clothes that just hang in the clothes taking up space. Nestled at the bottom of my closet is my laundry hamper its super cute. But here is another I absolutely love! Click Here

Closet Lighting Ideas Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves Small closet organization ideas

How to Decorate Your Closet

Closet Lighting Ideas

Woohoo! Get ready to add closet lighting to your list of small closet organization ideas! I’ve never had closet lights in my closet until now. Hands down these are the coolest closet lights I’ve used! They are sensor lights I purchased. These closet lights are available in multiple colors and sold in packs of two per package. I chose the warm yellow hue, most folks prefer the white led hue, this brand also carries. The body style of these closet lights are available in white, silver and black. This is one of the best features of my small closet organization ideas. I am in love with how amazing these closet wardrobe lights look at night. The lights are charged by your computer and they last for a while. I’ll definitely add these closet lighting ideas to the cabinets in my bathroom and kitchen. Click here to see more closet lighting ideas.

Closet Lights Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves

My bedroom has one small closet and 2 individual small wardrobe closets. The wardrobe closets have plantation shutter doors and drawers which contain my folded clothes as well as my accessories, such as my scarves, jewelry etc. To see how I’ve organized these two small closets check out this post Click here.

Closet Decorating Ideas | How To Decorate Your Closet | DIY Closet Organization | Organizing a Small Closet | DIY Closet Shelves

I can’t wait to show you my full bedroom tour when all the designing is completed. Watch my Bedroom Tour video. Click Here If you decide to use any of these small closet organization ideas, feel free to tag me on social media showing me how it worked out for you! I do hope you enjoyed learning how to decorate your closet, leave me a comment below and share your closet makeover with me and others.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! ♡

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