Elegant Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas

Elegant Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas

5min read

[dropcap custom_class=”whbr”] Ready to start planning Christmas this year! Have the Google searches for, “elegant Christmas tree decorating ideas” begun? Look no further, this elegant holiday decor blog post is for you. Learn how to decorate your Christmas tree like a professional designer. Christmas decorating needs to evolve! Year after year it’s the same, trimming a Christmas tree with plastic garland, or using the uneventful red and green ornaments. Let try to push your Christmas decorating ideas to the next level. Adding elegance to a Christmas tree doesn’t have to be expensive. Hey I decorated my Christmas tree using curtains! Not only was it super affordable, but it broke me out of my comfort zone and forced me to try something new. Just open your mind to new ways of decorating this season. Who know’s, your creativity may open a portal to talent you didn’t know you had! So let’s brainstorm some elegant Christmas tree decorating ideas! [/dropcap]

10 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Overnight Guests

10 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Overnight Guests

7min read

[dropcap custom_class=”whbr”] Be the memorable Hostess who stays prepared for overnight guests. Unexpected houseguests can pop up at any given moment. Hosting can be intimidating if you aren’t prepared. If you have a 1 bedroom or a small apartment, these curated steps will work for you! My family surprised me by flying out from the east coast to visit me. I was running all around the place trying figure out how to prepare my home for overnight guests. My perfectionism kicked in and I began to panic because I didn’t want them to see my small apartment looking anything but picture perfect. Luckily I was able to spruce up the place and grab a few things from Walmart Home. The cool thing about going to Walmart is, you can purchase your groceries as well as your homewares in one place!. This saved me so much time, which is why I am super excited to be partnering with Walmart on this blog post. This is also why I created these 10 essential tips on how to prepare your home for overnight guests.ย [/dropcap]

Make Bed Sheets White Again

Make Bed Sheets White Again

5min read

[dropcap custom_class=”whbr”] There’s nothing like getting into a bed with clean, bright white bed sheets! The feeling of soft white bed sheets on your skin is priceless. But what if you’ve used your bed sheets and need to wash them, only to discover they look yellow after taking them out of the washing machine? Oops! Did you get your body oils on your bright white bed sheets and now they’ve got oil spots and appear dingy. Don’t be embarrassed it happens to all of us. This article shows you how to make sheets whiter and where to buy white bed sheets if you can’t get them clean.[/dropcap]

French Office Decor Ideas

French Office Decor Ideas

7min read

[dropcap custom_class=”whbr”] Vintage French office decor ideas for your home office inspiration. If you love white, this is the ultimate vintage French office decor inspiration blog post for you.ย French provincial decor combined with the modern day interior elements adorn this room. A stunning bright white office with antique French desk accessories cohesively styled with my diy vintage French wall trim and crown molding. See the complete French themed office tour! [/dropcap]

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